EDUCATION: FAQs AND GROUP EXPECTATIONS, Stardome Observatory and Planetarium
Are you wheelchair accessible?
Our building has wheelchair access to bathroom facilities, the Planetarium and the Space Room.
What if it's raining?
Our planetarium shows run rain or shine! However, please be aware that Stardome is not a large facility and we don't have space for classes to stay in the building beyond their booked time. Please liaise with your bus company to arrange an early pick up if it is raining.
What if we are early or late to a session?
Late arrival will result in a reduced programme. We advise all groups to arrive at reception at least five minutes before their start time. Late arrivals cannot be admitted into the Stardome planetarium.
Due to limited space, we can only accommodate your ākonga/students and their belongings during their scheduled session times. This means that if your school has multiple sessions over the day, ākonga/students who are not part of the current session will need to wait outside until their session begins and after their session has ended. Unfortunately, we have no covered area for wet weather and recommend raincoats and umbrellas if you intend to arrive early or spending time in the domain while waiting for other sessions.
Where can ākonga/students have morning tea or lunch?
Maungakiekie One Tree Hill Domain has spacious, grassy areas. There are shaded areas, benches and a playground.
Ākonga/students are welcome to bring water bottles in with them, but there is no food to be consumed inside of Stardome. We recommend allowing enough time for food/drink before or after your session time which you can enjoy in One Tree Hill domain.
Where will the bus park?
There is designated parking for buses directly outside Stardome on the yellow-lined area.
Where can we park private vehicles?
Supervisors who will be travelling to Stardome in their own private vehicles, are encouraged to park on Haydn Avenue as there are no time restrictions on parking there. There is a paved pathway at the far end of Haydn Avenue leading across to Stardome. All other parking within One Tree Hill Domain (except the carpark immediately outside of Stardome) has a 90-minute time restriction and exceeding this may incur a parking fine. Note: If you are driving to Stardome, you can search our location in Google Maps as ‘Stardome’ or by physical address; 670 Manukau Road, Epsom 1023.
Can ākonga/students bring their backpacks?
Backpacks and strollers cannot be brought into the planetarium. It is preferred if backpacks can be left at school or on the bus, but if this is not possible, they can be stowed in our bag cages just prior to your sessions. Please ensure ākonga/students do this before entering the galleries.
What are the supervision ratios?
At all times, ākonga/students are to be supervised. Each group is assigned only one educator, so accompanying adults providing assistance or direction will make for a richer, more fulfilling experience. Ratios for supervision are as follows: ECE 1:3, Y0-6 1:8, Y7-10 1:15, and Y11-13 1:30. Failure to abide by these supervision ratios may mean we cannot proceed with your scheduled session.
Can we take photos during the session?
You are welcome to take photos of the ākonga/students during their time in the galleries and Space Room. However, all cell phones, cameras, iPads and other electronic devices must be turned off while in the planetarium cinema.
What happens if someone is being disruptive?
If young children are disruptive in the Space Room or Planetarium, accompanying adults may be asked to take them to the Space Gallery & Exhibits area until ready to return.
Can ākonga/students use the Zeiss telescope?
Access to the Edith Winstone Blackwell Zeiss telescope is not normally available to school groups, due to its small capacity. There is no wheelchair access to this instrument.
Can ākonga/students buy things from the shop?
Unless you have made special arrangements before your visit, the shop is out of bounds to all ākonga/students.
How are ākonga/students expected to behave?
Ākonga/students are expected to listen to instructions and treat differing ideas with respect. A kaiako/teacher or supervisor may be requested to remove disruptive ākonga/students on the rare occasion of serious or unsafe behaviour.
We expect that all students will treat our displays, equipment and other facilities with respect.
We want to make it easy and economical to bring your students on a trip to Stardome.
To make a booking contact Robbies direct:
ph: 09 5202013
mob: 027 6559921
To make a booking, contact Ritchies direct:
ph: 09 415 9138