Stardome Observatory and Planetarium is a beloved fixture in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, and is committed to ensuring that celestial stories, astronomy, mātauranga Māori and cosmological science are shared with integrity and honour. Our aim is to inspire and excite fascination, curiosity, and inquiry in the minds of our tamariki and rangatahi and allow our visitors to explore the interconnections between people, Earth, and the cosmos!

Stardome is proud to be a recognised ELC provider, and our education programme is driven by learning objectives that align with Te Whāriki, the New Zealand curriculum, and Te Marautanga. 

Stardome is a proud member of Auckland's GLAM sector, and Te Kāhui Toi Ihiihi - an iniative designed to support Māori Medium ākonga to participate in ELC education within Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.


A trip to Stardome aims to support your class plan by showing ākonga the fundamental principles of astronomy, how amazing space is, and how precious our Earth is!

We want young people to ask the BIG questions – what else is out there? How far can we go? How did it all begin? We want everyone to look up, feel small, but think big.

Depending on the year level, ākonga will enjoy some activity-based learning in the classroom, time in the Space Gallery & Exhibits area, and a planetarium show in the 360-degree theatre. This immersive experience brings to life the concepts and ideas of astronomy and space exploration giving context to what they are learning in class at school. 


Please select the dates and times you are wanting to bring your ākonga/learners to Stardome and our lovely booking team will be in touch for more details!





Pricing (this includes an education session + planetarium experience):

$5 per person (incl. teachers and accompanying adults).

One adult is free with every eight students.

$175 minimum fee applies groups of 35 people and under.

Session duration:

Sessions with a Stardome Educator will last for approx. 90 minutes or 60 minutes for ECE. At the end of your session we suggest exploring the park outside while waiting for your bus pick up. Due to limited space we are unable to accommodate you outside of your session time.

Attendance numbers:

We can only accommodate a maximum of 60 students and 15 adults per booking. Our required ratios are below, however, you are welcome to bring additional adults. Please note we can only accomodate a maximuim of 75 people per booking.

ECE = 1:3

Y0-6 = 1:8

Y7-10 = 1:15

Y11-13 = 1:30

Cancellation policy:

15 working days notice is required for all cancellations. If a cancellation occurs within this timeframe a $175 cancellation fee will be invoiced to the school.

Subsidised admission scheme:

Schools with an EQI of 432+ are welcome to apply for a subsided admission rate of $2 per person (incl. teachers and accompanying adults). A group minimum of 50 people is required.

$125 minimum rate applies to groups of 50 people and under.

The subsidised rate is only applicable for one visit per school each year.

Any cancellations within 15 working days of the visit will be charged a $120 cancellation fee.

Important Links:


Here we have a list of the education programmes offered at Stardome. For a comprehensive breakdown of the curriculum links and learning objectives please find your year level below:

Come sing, dance, and learn with the stars!

Suitable for ECE

In this programme for our youngest stargazers, we have fun and learn about our place in space through reading a book, singing songs, and doing some mindful movements.

We discover the stars of Matariki, learn some new words to describe things in our solar system, and even fly an astronaut into space!

Our Little Astronauts is all about exploring the universe, while also appreciating our special home, Earth!


Connect with our awesome planet and discover our connections to the stars. 

Suitable for Y0-8

In this programme we explore the precious place that we call home and look at the unique conditions that have allowed life to flourish here on Earth.

Together we explore what we are made of, the connections that we have with the stars and the moon, and how these connections have helped us to thrive.

Earth, Home is a programme that celebrates our unique life giving systems. We consider our impact on earth, and the ways that we can contribute to a thriving future.


Get to know our cosmic neighbourhood!

Suitable for Y0-8

In this programme, we explore the worlds that surround the Sun.

We learn about our neighboring planets, the connections these worlds have to ours and the fascinating environments we find in places beyond our own.

Our Solar System explores the invisible forces that effect our solar system - including orbital mechanics, gravity and cycles in space.


How does astronomy and human curiosity improve life on earth?

Suitable for Y0-13

In this programme, we question our innate curiosity and why we are compelled to look up and step out.

We consider the pull to explore our cosmic shores across time. Together we look at the evolution of journeying and technology across history - from the first waka our ancestors stepped onto, to the most distant robotic emissaries at the edge of our solar system.

Humans in Space examines how space exploration and technological innovation changes life here on Earth.


Celebrate the meaning of this special time of year!

Suitable for ECE-Y13

Mānawatia a Matariki!

In this programme, we explore the cultural and scientific significance of this star cluster and the stories that connect them to Aotearoa.

We locate the stars in the sky and unpack the connection of each star to one another. We explore the relationship they have to te taiao and the tohu/signs that mark seasonal changes.

Te Whānau o Matariki is an opportunity to gain new perspectives on how we measure time and organise our lives around the stars.


Journey through the universe and question the fabric of our reality.

Suitable for Y7-13

In this programme, we break the barriers of physics to explore the edge of the observable universe - and question what lies beyond.

We look at the grandeur of the galaxies, the scope of the universe and the mysterious forces that bind our reality together. We ask, What is inside a black hole? Why is the universe expanding? What is dark matter? Is there a multiverse? 

Beyond the Known is a bespoke session tailored to your specific learning needs. 



Watch this space. Coming soon to a planet near you!


Is your class learning about astronomy? Here are some useful links for schools and projects.


A huge site with an incredible range of information! Access info on space exploration, the planets, people in space, and NASA's media releases. Explore NASA's STEM resources for educators and their Universe of Learning.

Astronomical Society of the Pacific

An international non-profit scientific and educational organisation, founded in 1889, that works to increase understanding and appreciation of astronomy. Take a look at their astronomy activities, materials, and kits used by educators, families, and amateur astronomers.

What's a light year? How do space telescopes work?  Answers to these questions and more, as well as image of the day on their science and astronomy page.